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The reduction of Social Security Contributions would be a breath of fresh air for the economy


In Romania, salaries are low, while costs related to labor force are high. This is the paradox of a fiscal burden overwhelming for the labor market. That is how we can explain the anemic appetence of entrepreneurs for job creation, and for employing workers ‘formally’, without resorting to the – sometimes saving – solution of employing workers on the black market. This is why the

Absolute fiscal simplification by eliminating the corporate income tax


For more than 20 years, the tax system perpetuated itself bureaucratically and administratively, its main function being to serve the state budget. Anyway, where and when it was done, tax simplification was only marginal. Rarely were more daring solutions advanced, meant to revive a paralyzed, bureaucratic fiscal system that actually generated economic counter-

Cosmin Marinescu
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