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Tag Archives: Prețuri

Consumption or Production? That Is the (Economic) Question


Happily, in economics one can’t have Hamletian dilemmas, as they are either inconsistent with respect to economic logic, or completely unproductive beyond it. When it comes to economic policies, in those rare cases where these policies are not redistributive, there exist two options, according to the way in which the government chooses to support economic recovery: by

Prices, Costs and Excise Duties: What’s What?


Inevitably, in any tax analysis, we would refer to prices and costs, salaries and production, prosperity etc. It is well known, although ultimately unjustified, the opinion that increasing indirect taxation, especially excise duties, will be reflected by prices and, further on, by inflationary escalations. This is the recent situation of the debate on the 7 eurocents that will be added to fuel excise

Economic Calculation Reloaded: “the Economy” of the Public Sector


fotolia_36692129_xs_0The argument of the economic calculation does not magically vanish once we leave the institutional realm of socialism, I’d say on the contrary. In every economy considered nowadays, with frequent excesses of vocabulary generosity, a “free market” economy, there exist many instances in which the resource allocation faces totally different exigencies from those specific to

Cosmin Marinescu
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